The consolidated banking statistics (CBS) measure international banking activity from a nationality perspective, focusing on the country where the banking group's parent is headquartered.
While residence-based data such as the locational banking statistics indicate where positions are booked, they do not always identify where underlying decisions are made. This is because banking offices in one country may operate within a business model decided by the group's controlling parent, which may be headquartered in another country. The CBS capture the worldwide claims of banking groups based in reporting countries and exclude intragroup positions, similar to the consolidation approach followed by banking supervisors. The CBS provide several different measures of banking groups' country risk exposures, on either an immediate counterparty or a guarantor basis. The most appropriate exposure measure depends on the issue being analysed. The benchmark measure in the CBS is foreign claims, which capture credit to borrowers outside a banking group's home country.
IBS reporting countries
Estimated global coverage of the locational banking statistics
Convention for country groupings
Reporting Practices
Reporting institutions
Breaks in Series
Latest revisions and breaks
- Countries with data carried forward from previous quarters
- Significant revisions and breaks of the consolidated banking statistics are explained.
IBS reporting guidelines 2019
The Guidelines for reporting the BIS international banking statistics provide definitions and requirements for reporting locational and consolidated banking statistics. The consistency of reporting practices with the Guidelines varies across reporting countries, and key discrepancies are highlighted in countries' summaries of their banks' reporting practices.
The July 2019 version of the Guidelines provides authorities in reporting countries with definitions and requirements for reporting the locational banking statistics and consolidated banking statistics to the BIS. They replace the March 2013 version of the reporting guidelines. Compared with the March 2013 version, the main changes in the July 2019 guidelines are as follows. They incorporate the recommendations of the 2017 study group established by the BIS, as well as the clarifications and revisions proposed by the BIS in 2014. In addition, the allocation of counterparty countries to regions was discontinued, and a few reporting requirements were simplified. Furthermore, some details from other documents, in particular the data structure definitions, were integrated into the guidelines; cross-references to other statistical and prudential standards were expanded; and the guidelines were reorganised to improve their readability.
Click here to view the Previous guidelines
Reporting authorities are encouraged to submit the consolidated banking statistics to the BIS using the SDMX standard. The technical guidelines below provide practical information on how to submit data to the BIS.
Codes for submitting the banking statistics are provided in the data structure definitions. In addition, Excel templates are available as a visual aid for data structure, and to assist reporting authorities who are unable to create SDMX files directly from their system in reporting data to the BIS. Summaries of checks - performed by the BIS to confirm the consistency of reported data - are also provided. Reporting authorities are encouraged to implement these checks in their own systems.
* Visualisation template only - not for reporting use. Authorities should contact the BIS to request a customised template for reporting.